Category: IMA

All Members (including sponsors and partners)


To signup as a social member for free, follow any or all of these steps to get started:


Sign up for the mailing list

Join our G+ Community

Follow our G+ Brand Account Infinite Metaverse Alliance

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

Follow our Twitter Account IMATalks

Create an account on this website and the IMA Community website

Note: Meetings will normally be held on hypergrid-enabled regions throughout the Metaverse. Locations will be noted in the calendar itself.


We will be launching our IMA Social Network in the near future as well as becoming active on LinkedIn. This helps us get started bringing the Open Simulator community together to support all current derivatives and lay the ground work for forming community interest Working Groups. It's time to start the conversation about the future of the Metaverse!


Sponsorship or Partnership


When the time comes that social members want to become project or research sponsors, or want to become legal partners of IMA, members will be able to choose a level as described in the membership options. The details are in work for sponsorship or partnership. We will update this page and announce when this option is ready!