What is IMA's Vision? 


IMAgine a virtual worlds platform that...


  • is secure and easy to use.
  • users can configure to meet their individual needs for a positive user experience.
  • supports various human computer interface devices.
  • enables people with disabilities at reasonable costs.
  • can be used to provide assistance to elderly and home bound citizens.
  • can be used by children, teens, and adults to enhance their lives.
  • empowers communities to realize their dreams.
  • allows unlimited creativity and sharing.
  • enhances knowledge of different cultures and languages without barriers.
  • has manageable costs for businesses, schools, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
  • serves as a societal connector for agencies, organizations, and education systems.
  • can be used to accelerate innovation, reduce waste, and save precious resources.
  • creates jobs for people of any kind to provide administration, customization, and content.
  • supports teleworking and telemedicine.
  • provides low cost safe training spaces for harsh events.
  • can be used to provide just in time solutions for real world problems.
  • becomes pervasive in use by therapists, doctors, and researchers.
  • can be used to provide sensitivity, first responder, and disaster response training.
  • can support accident re-enactments, law enforcement training, and historic recreations.
  • can be used to defeat terrorism and promote world peace.
  • is scalable and sustainable for the future.
  • is extensible yet gives users the ability to connect with other virtual worlds.
  • is poised for growth and interoperability between virtual world technologies.
  • is finally accessible and inclusive by design.
  • all virtual worlds users are a part of the grand scheme of life.


We believe the Infinite Metaverse will become the future of the Internet and can change the world as we know it. Join the Infinite Metaverse Alliance so we can build the future together.