We are midway through 2017 with growing interest in IMA! Thank you to all those participating and to those joining us in our mission to help advance the virtual world technology we all love. We created the IMA Google calendar because it is easy for the general community to use and so working group leaders can add their meetings to the same calendar. If you need access as a working group leader, please send email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get added.

Meanwhile, based on feedback and attendance trends, we've made some changes to the calendar we need to communicate as far and wide as possible with your help. The shifts in times and dates were based on feedback from many in the community. We did the best we could finding time slots that had the least amount of interference with other activities on the Hypergrid based on other public Google calendars. 


  1. Test Hour has moved to Fridays so more people can participate based on their availability.

  2. The courtesy meeting space for the University of Central Florida (UCF) leading the former MOSES community efforts has been dubbed by the community as "The Not Meeting". Although this is not an IMA Meeting, we've added that to the calendar for UCF as long as they need it.

  3. Weekly Q&A has a permanent rotation between locations established at IMA Outpost Alpha in Metropolis, IMA Meet&Greet in Metropolis, and IMA Conference Center in Kitely and was moved to Wednesdays. The HG addresses are included on the calendar details. When a fifth Wednesday occurs in a month, this could not be scheduled as a recurring event on the Google calendar. So we will have to deal with that "on the fly".

  4. The Advisory Board Meeting has been expanded to include the Director's Council working group coordination and dubbed the ABDC Meeting. It has been moved to the third Tuesday of every month to allow more people to attend who had schedule conflicts.


A general call for participation is coming out with our new Vision Video very soon. We are waiting for two images that will be added so we can complete the final version. Thank you to all those who helped with contributions and review! This general call will be a reach to all of the community, including development teams and grid owners we have not been able to reach, to help fill the Director's Council seats as the working group activities expand - we need your help! Here is the updated calendar:


https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.&ctz=America/New_York&pli=1