As we fine-tuned our hybrid structure taking inputs from the community, IMA began forming its Advisory Board which will have both appointed (to advise core IMA working group committees) and elected (to advise subscriber and non-subscriber working group committees). We have been very fortunate to have such talented and engaged members of the Virtual Worlds community at large from within Open Simulator and outside of Open Simulator communities. We've held many meetings, asked and answered many questions, and were rewarded with great feedback and new ideas!
The Advisory Board seats include advisors as follows:
Core WG Categories
Standards - filled
Specifications - pending
Engineering - filled
Development - filled
Grid Security - filled
Transaction Security - filled
Subscriber WG Categories
User Interface Design - TBD via election or appointment
Accessibility - TBD via election or appointment
Human Computer Interface - TBD via election or appointment
Training - TBD via election or appointment
Education - TBD via election or appointment
Industry - TBD via election or appointment
Commerce - TBD via election or appointment
Non-subscriber WG Categories
Community Interests - filled
At-Large Seats
Research Strategy - filled
Training Simulation - pending
MOSES Development - pending
Halcyon Development - pending
Open Simulator Development - pending
Whitecoresim Development - pending
Arribasim Development - pending
Hypergrid Development - pending
Accessible Device Integration - filled
Web Viewer Development - pending
Client Viewer Development - pending
Web Resource Development - pending
Interactive Content Development - pending
Public Content Interests - pending
US Media - pending
International Media - pending