Mal Burns runs the Metaverse Inworld Review every Sunday online. Steve was able to get on the show to talk about and begin answering questions about Infinite Metaverse Alliance. It was a long show but worth a watch! You can find it here on Youtube


If anyone would like to transcribe it for folks who need subtitles, let's get in touch!

A big thing is happening at Infinite Metaverse Alliance! After weeks of work checking out what was available and what we needed, IMA has ordered our first dedicated server. Myron Curtis, Bob Curtice, Lisa Laxton, and Steve LaVigne worked together on this project and came up with what we think is an excellent machine. Buying this server was made possible by a generous investment from Selby Evans of Virtual Outworlding. (

Infinite Metaverse Alliance (IMA) emerged last year as community members began to discuss the future of Open Simulator and all of its derivatives. This began in September of 2016 and was formally organized in November 2016. Over the past six months, we've taken inputs from inside and outside the virtual worlds communities and put our heads together to develop this new kind of organization - a champion for the community built from the ground up and the middle out.


Near the end of our work getting all of the tools in place for the community, IMA sprung a leak when we opened our website for preliminary review... the media would wait no longer to announce the formation of IMA! Amidst the latest community statistics report, we found we'd been outed when we heard about this line "Infinite Metaverse Alliance launches to help share code and tools" in the article at

When IMA's founders got together, we identified key long range goals we shared for the technologies powered by people in virtual worlds communities. We listened to others and discussed how researchers are seeing increasingly beneficial results when using virtual worlds to improve the quality of life and the impact of positive technology efforts in addition to an active social component in virtual worlds. 

During a recent meeting, several questions came about regarding our process for working groups. To help answer questions, we can refer to the following diagram: